Genocide Is All They Have
What has been a surprise for most Americans is the exuberant complicity of the U.S. government in this carnage. It shouldn't be. Even before there was such a thing as the United States of America settlers in the "New World" were massacring the people who lived on both the northern and southern continents. Those that weren’t massacred were forcibly removed from their homes and relocated to "reservations" – large concentration camps in remote and westward areas of the newly claimed land.
Then came the empire. Historians disagree on when the U.S. empire began. It could have been the war against Mexico from 1846 to 1848, where Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and California were "acquired" along with parts of Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming were annexed. Or maybe it was the Spanish American War, where we gained the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. As late-comers in World War I we established our presence in Europe, effectively sealing the "victory" Britain and France. This was followed by overthrows of democratically elected governments in Central and South America, interrupted by World War II, which we were the dominant victors in both the European and Pacific theaters.
After World War II we had invasions of choice in Korea and Vietnam, the first ending in stalemate and the second in humiliating defeat. I was drafted into the Army during the Vietnam war, managed to avoid it by enlisting to get a school and getting sent to Germany, now our "ally."
Since then there have been invasions of Panama, the tiny island of Grenada, Iraq – twice, and Afghanistan. Mostly what our foreign "policy" establishment has been involved in is subversion, assassination, coup d'état sponsorship, funding of militias and guerrilla forces and economic blockades and sanctions, such as with Cuba.
Then there was Israel. When the nation state of Israel was created in 1948 it was a British handover, with United Nations support following World War II. The land of Palestine was not Britain’s to give, but they gave it anyway, a hubris that has been its hallmark characteristic for centuries. And soon in for a reaping.
For some strange reason it became the purview of the United States of America to step in as the guarantor of Israel's presence as a colonial settlement in the Southern Levant of the eastern Mediterranean. Many billions of dollars and vast supplies of armaments have been given to the government of Israel over the years, all for free, paid for by U.S. taxpayers, who have been largely ignorant of the largesse they have provided. Whatever brutality, destruction and land theft committed by Israel has been virtually unquestioned by U.S. "leaders" for the duration of the takeover.
We can surmise what the strange reason is. The U.S. is an empire. An empire possesses or controls other countries. Israel is indirectly controlled by the U.S. through weaponry and money. Israel uses that money and weaponry to control the region, and as a side benefit gets to steal land and resources. The Mideast is resource rich, especially in oil, and is strategic in establishing hegemony over Africa, southern and eastern Europe, and the far East.
Or so it seems. That may have been how the plan was supposed to work, but the best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men gang aft agley, an’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, for promis’d joy! Empires die, some quickly, some not-so-quickly. Ours will be over very soon. Some, like Noam Chomsky, believe it already is. Others, like Alfred McCoy and Chris Hedges, believe it will be soon. Eminent economist Richard Wolf also describes the end of the U.S. empire.
The end of the U.S. empire, whether already or soon, is for two reasons: stupidity and timing. The stupidity is plain for all to see, described in nauseating detail on a daily basis in worldwide news. I have written about it ad absurdum in this blog for a couple of decades. No need to run it into the ground again.
The other reason is timing. The climate crisis, while horrendously bad already, is about to get worse. Scientist after scientist are warning of impending planetary catastrophe in the very near future, and for the rest of the lives of anyone now alive, and well into the future. No need to run that into the ground here either. The information is plentiful.
In tandem with climate catastrophe is the end of Capitalism. It has run its course. It is a system that started roughly two centuries ago with the advent of the Industrial Revolution. It has befouled the planet, destroyed many millions of lives, and impoverished the vast majority of humans who have lived on Earth since it began. Because of the imperative that economic systems get bigger and bigger, Capitalism creates its own demise, outgrowing both the planet and itself. Karl Marx predicted this a century and a half ago, but Capitalists were too busy laughing all the way to the bank. They won’t be laughing so heartily when it collapses.
With the collapse of Capitalism comes the collapse of the U.S. weapons industry – the military industrial complex. Indeed, it can be truthfully said that the free flow of weapons to Israel has kept the weapons industry alive, and by extension the weapons industry has kept the U.S. economy alive. No more weapons industry means no more weapons.
In this context, how fares Israel? Without unlimited and unquestioned aid from the U.S., what does a settler colonial country do? I make no predictions, but things will be different. The demise of Capitalism also bodes ill for Israel, since it depends on foreign trade to provide the goods and money that keep the country functioning. Just as Israel requires U.S. funding and weapons to exist, it also needs economic interaction with the rest of the industrial world. If Capitalism goes bust foreign money and goods no longer arrive to keep the country going.
This all is likely well-known to both Israeli and U.S. intelligence agencies. It may be why the genocide in Gaza and now Lebanon (and who’s next?) is proceeding at such a feverish pace. Get it done before it is too late. It is a loser’s endeavor, but from the perspective of empire, it is all they have. It won’t be for much longer. Should Donald Trump actually become president again – not so certain, given his mental and physical health – collapse will happen even sooner.
R.I.P. Zakir Hussain. Here's a sample. I saw him perform twice. Absolutely mesmerizing.
R.I.P Michael Brewer. Here's a sample. Here's another.
I sent a message to Genocide Joe recently, suggesting he resign for the good of the planet:
Hello Mr. Biden
You have proven yourself to be a man without honor in your zealous sponsorship of the genocide in Gaza, now Lebanon, and who knows next. The only honorable act available to you now is to resign from office immediately and let your vice president fulfill the duties of president for the remainder of your term. She will likely continue the genocidal campaign in the southern Levant, but perhaps not as unflinchingly and remorselessly as you have. She couldn't do any worse.
I voted for you in 2020, not eagerly, but considering the alternative, the only sensible choice. In 2016 I even campaigned for Hillary Clinton, walking an entire "turf" by myself, not a wise thing at my age. I am two years younger than you, and served three years in the U.S. Army while you were staking out your meaningless political career.
My first vote for president was for Hubert Humphrey in 1968, also my first for the lesser of two evils. I have never voted for a "Republican" for president, though I did once for mayor of Honolulu, Frank Fasi, a renegade "Democrat." C'est la vie. We do what we can. You could have done what you could in preventing genocide in Gaza and elsewhere, but instead chose the soulless politician option. I remember some of your past soullessness, Clarence Thomas, the 1994 crime bill, Iraq, Afghanistan, continuation of Trump's border crimes and tariffs. Yikes! What an unlife! You can rescue at least a tidbit of honor by resigning. A little honor could go a long way. It might do some good.
Update, January 5, 2025: José Andrés, founder of the World Central Kitchen, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Genocide Joe yesterday. It would have been much more honorable if he had refused the award, given the carnage in Gaza has been sponsored thoroughly, enthusiastically and unscrupulously by Joe Biden and his henchpersons. Among the tens of thousands of people killed indiscriminately in the carnage were seven World Central Kitchen aid workers April 1 of last year, and three more in November. It seems fame, awards and celebrity are drugs that render all other concerns meaningless, even when it comes to being flattered by Genocide Joe.