No Surprise
This is nothing new. We, the uninstructed around the world, could see with our own eyes what has been going on in Gaza since last October 8. Genocide. Blinken has been lying about the genocide from the beginning, as has been his boss Genocide Joe. And, it should be noted, almost all of both houses of Congress. Lying among political actors is as easy as breathing, in many cases easier, and is only different by matter of degree. Our news media have been stenographers, supporting the lies with active and passive propaganda. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which authored the report, likely knew that their findings would be ignored, but submitted it anyway, choosing integrity over conformity and career.
Given our mindless and unhesitating ease with genocide, we might pause and wonder how we pick victims. Who gets to be the target of genocide? It has to be someone. In order to kill an entire population there has to be a killor and a kilee. It could have been the reverse. We could have picked the Palestinians as the killors, and the Israelis as the kilees. Israel is a created state, granted by the Western powers through the U.N. in 1948. There is no rhyme or reason why we chose one over the other, except imperial prerogative. It was largely the British ruling elite that made this choice, and after World War II we went along, fresh from victory and needing to cement "the Allies" in the newly formed North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in which I "served" from 1969 to 1971, the greatest ugh! of my life.
So here we are, stuck between a proverbial rock and a hard place. We have a thoroughly corrupt political system, an election in little over a month, and a non-choice of continuing genocide in Gaza or something worse in every respect. Meanwhile, Israel has embarked on a new genocide: Lebanon. With our help. For now. It won't last. Nothing lasts.
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